Famous Stars Who Struggled with Addiction

It is interesting how you gen get attached to the famous person and project. This may be the reason why we tend to continue to follow them and see them as role models of a kind. It is rather peculiar that many of them struggled with addiction and some even went to rehab for a few times in their lives.
1. Lady Gaga

She has had explosive fame after few hits due to the ways she sounds since it was very different from the other performers that exist. As it usually goes, as the fame increased, the availability and usage of the drugs went straight up. Lady Gaga did say that she was addicted to marijuana and that the amounts she was using were very high, so it can be said that the addiction was for sure getting out of control. She did get professional help and visited the rehab center in order to get this habit under control.
2. Sia Fuller

This Australian artist was very opened about the problems she has had in the past with substance abuse. As her career had an upraise, she has increased in the usage of the substances. Interestingly, her hiding her face and wearing the bangs over her eyes and nose; in order to distance from the fame since last time she had an increase in the popularity she got addicted and had a very hard time getting over the addiction. It seems that this is working for her due to the fact that she did not relapse and stayed clean.
3. Amy Winehouse

We all know that Amy was an amazing artist and that she has more talent than many. But it seems like that with talent in music comes talent for drug abuse. Amy was addicted to many drugs, and as years passed she has passed from light drugs to heavy usage, getting into rehab a few times and relapsing as well. It was truly sad to see her struggle and see she falls over her feet and cancel her shows due to inability to stand. Sadly she did not succeed in conquering her addiction although she did go to rehab more than once.
If you are struggling with addiction yourself, you can always visit definingwellness.com. And seek help for you or your loved ones.
4. Whitney Huston

This woman of incredible voice was so talented that it was almost out of this world. But, with great talent seems to come to the great leaning towards the abuse of the substances. It is still unsure if this is due to the pressure they do feel all the time, so the drugs help distance from this feeling and even numb it. She is another example of how far the addiction can go, and even with professional help, not changing the scenery and having the same people around you that you used the substances may push you back to this horrific habit and even lead to devastating consequences, which was the case with Whitney.
5. Kelly Osbourne

Kelly is for sure trying to get the hold of her life, but she has her fair share of going in and out of rehabilitation centers. She has so far been in and out for more than five times and her family did state that she will stay clean for more than a few months. Kelly seems to be very prone to relapsing and this has led her to get into centers more than once and the reason behind this may the mental state she is in since next to the rehabilitation facilities she ended up into mental institution in order to get the life under control.
Being addicted is a troublesome event, but the rehab does not have to be; Eudaimonia Sober Living offers services that will assist in the decrease in addiction and improve the physical and psychological state of the ones that come here and seek help.
6. Matthew Perry

The star from our favorite TV show, Friends, had his time in the rehab centers, and as Kelly Osbourne, was in and out of them. His poison of choice was pain killer pills, and as we all know these are very addictive. Matthew went to get professional help for a few times and had only one relapse in his life. He did say that it was very hard to get out of the hands of addiction and just get over the usage of the pills.
7. Michael Phelps

Even though he is an Olympic medal winner, Michael did have his fair share of addiction to the drugs. This habit led him to go away from his biggest love, which was swimming in order to seek professional help. After getting clean and emotionally stable, he did get back into the settle and went to the Olympic Games competing and winning. He is a good example of how drug addiction can be won and get along with your life.
8. Pink

It seems like the young stars at the start of their careers are very prone to substance misuse, since as many, Pink became addicted to the uprise of her success in the musical market. She has an incredible talent and voice that is very unique, but she did end up addicted to ecstasy and some other drugs. Fortunately, she did successfully beat this horrific habit, stayed clean and made a huge success in professional life. Being emotionally stable was incredibly important and she did got married and get kids. Hopefully, her career will continue to thrive and there will not be any news of he going back to old habits.
It seems like, when we look at the global scene and look deeper into the life of actors and singers, many of them could not handle the pressure and tried to elevate it by starting to use drugs. This led to more than a few overdoses and deaths amongst famous people, even after trying to get professional help. Others, on the other hand, have successfully beat the addiction and moved on with their lives fighting the addiction each day, since, as many of them say, every day is a struggle.