What Gear Do Police Officers Wear?

Police uniforms and equipment vary greatly by police force or service, and different uniforms and equipment are used in different situations. But basically, almost everything that a police officer may need to carry out their activities is on the waist belt. And plus to this, the police wear a special uniform. Everything that a policeman might need you can buy in online store at https://www.galls.com/.
Police gear – comfort and safety

Police gear must be comfortable, ergonomic and protective in the most extreme situations. We recommend buying police gear that will be comfortable and safe in online stores. In the catalog of the online store, you can choose police gear made from durable, modern materials. The assortment of the site includes reliable belts, tactical belts designed to attach various elements of police equipment to them. Before buying the necessary equipment, familiarize yourself with all types of police equipment.
Most units, both regular police and military police and others, have at least three uniform classifications:
- Class A uniforms are more formal and include a dress jacket, dress pants, and special insignia that communicates the wearer’s rank, length of service, and experience.
- The Class B uniform is generally the daily service uniform. Most often, this is a button-down shirt in front and trousers designed to be worn by those police officers who often deal with the public in their service.
- The Class C uniform is the working or special combat dress uniform for certain units, as well as those performing more physically demanding tasks.
Bulletproof vests

Police officers must always be protected. They never know when an immediate danger may arise. Employees must approach any situation with caution and always keep safety in mind, which is a priority. Officers need quality materials that can protect them while on duty. To protect themselves, police officers wear bulletproof vests and other protection. They help protect officers not only from firearms, but also from sharp objects and hard blows.
Police shoes

Police shoes are high-quality tactical boots with a fairly high toe cap, in which the foot does not sweat in the heat and does not freeze in a light frost. They are characterized by low weight and strength. Absorption of shock loads is provided by overlays in the area of the sock and heel made of composite materials.
Policeman’s belt equipment

The belt of a modern policeman has long ceased to serve only to maintain branded trousers at a height specified by the charter. On the belt of a policeman there is a lot of equipment that every policeman needs. These are at least 6 items that can weigh more than 3 kilograms in total.
The wardrobe trunk allows you to wear one or two pairs of handcuffs. Some policemen prefer to keep a second pair of handcuffs in the car to lighten the load on their belt. Devices in the form of rings cover the wrist and close with a click of special restrictive mechanisms. Thus, they constrain movements, limiting the freedom of action of a person. Therefore, buying handcuffs today is relevant for law enforcement, law enforcement, security agencies, correctional institutions, and also as a means of counteraction in some special cases.
A flashlight can be attached to the pistol, which allows you to free the second hand of the policeman. With a free hand, you can hold the offender or carry out an inspection. The design of the holster with a lock on the side of the belt does not allow the offender to draw the weapon from the holster.
Stun gun
The most popular non-lethal police weapon. The police use remote-contact stun guns. A spare cartridge is attached to the handle of the stun gun, which allows you to quickly replace the spent cartridge with a new one. The stun gun is equipped with a built-in flashlight and a laser target designator. Any person neutralized with a stun gun experiences excitation of sensory and motor nerves, as a result of a strong involuntary muscle contraction. Tasers cause no pain except in stun mode, but are nonetheless preferred by some law enforcement agencies over non-stun stun guns and other electronic defenses.

The police use reliable radio models that are not afraid of falls and mechanical impact. The channels through which the police communicate are encrypted so that outsiders do not gain access to their conversations. Police walkie-talkies have an “alarm” orange button, pressing which gives priority to the owner’s radio signal, and for 10 seconds his colleagues can hear what happens to the policeman who presses the button.
Pepper spray
Despite the fact that all police officers carry pepper spray with them, they rarely use them. It is dangerous to use the spray indoors, and on the street, the wind can blow the spray on the police themselves and prevent the arrest of the offender. However, they are quite effective against aggressive dogs.
Police baton
Police officers often carry a folding weapon – a baton. Regular batons and side-handle batons have been replaced in many departments by folding batons such as expandable batons. One advantage of the expandable baton is that its bearer can comfortably sit in the company vehicle and still carry the baton. The side-handled baton should normally be pulled out of the vehicle.
Where to buy police gear?

If you are looking for police equipment, then you should pay attention to different brands. The police uniform must have certain properties that were taken into account when developing:
- fabrics for this type of clothing should be comfortable during active movements, easy to wash and not wrinkle;
- high-quality stainless fittings;
- a prerequisite is the presence of voluminous pockets, Velcro for insignia, stripes and other special details;
- the police uniform must be presentable.
The police uniform is sewn from high-quality natural and high-tech synthetic materials (cotton, ripstop, softshell). Ripstop is highly durable and waterproof, yet breathable, quick-drying and skin-friendly. Softshell is a modern breakthrough in the textile industry. This jacket fabric is able to replace the multi-layer method of wearing clothes at low temperatures. Dense moisture-resistant outside and soft “breathable” from the inside fabric protects from wind and cold. The military industry actively uses softshell material for sewing warm clothes.