Tips & Golden Rules for Perfect Body Shape After 50

It is common that after the age of 40 you begin to lose motivation and gain weight. It is natural, several scientific studies prove it. On the other hand, it is better not to take it as inevitable because it is precisely after the 40-50 years that your hygiene of life will be the most determining on your general state of health.
If you do not want to accumulate age-related illnesses, maintain yourself physically and why not even start weight training? I see more and more old people in my gym, mainly in the morning, and it is nice! It is good. With following, these golden rules to get fit after 50 will help you the most. So if you are willing to make your body fit and healthy then follow the instruction and work out routines of

Bad habits after 50
Generations before us did not have to go to the gym because their lifestyle meant that they were always on the move. We are sedentary and we need to set aside some of our time to do voluntary exercises.
However, after a certain age sport is less important in our lives. Why? Because many still have not understood that you also exercise for your health and not just to maintain an aesthetic body. This is particularly true in bodybuilding! When we are young, we want big muscles so we will train, and little by little, the physique matters less, so we stop.
In addition to not exercising, we are developing bad eating habits. We eat more fat, we drink more alcohol, and wedo not take the time to cook…
Lack of energy, loss of libido, we gain weight.
I know that the few doctors who advise sport for seniors recommend swimming, brisk walking … But I also want to advise bodybuilding!
Is it important to build muscle after 50?

You can imagine it a little, but yes, it is important! We all lose muscle over time, but it tends to accelerate past the age of 50. This loss of muscle can have major health consequences.
Can we choose bodybuilding as a sport after 50 years? YES
The importance of muscles
Your body has at least 700 muscles. They are obviously essential to us and have two main functions:
A postural function: they support our skeleton, and allow it to function optimally. The problem is that with age, we tend to do less physical exercise, and this is the cause of the main ailments due to old age: you lose your muscle tone, which promotes tendonitis problems, back pain, you injure yourself easily, you have poor balance, etc.
A dynamic function:
It allows you to be in motion, to move, but also allow you to protect yourself. In the event of an impact, if you have sufficient muscle mass, the severity of the injury will be reduced. This is true at any age, but with the loss of overall muscle mass after age 50, one becomes more and more vulnerable.

There are many other positive effects on your health: weight training brings benefits on the cardiovascular plan with the decrease in blood pressure, but also a decrease in cholesterol, an increase in bone density, etc. For getting a perfect body, shape has to follow the important instruction in details if you want to make body get fit after 50.
How does a weight training session take place after 50 years?
The training formats that allow you to progress are the same regardless of age. The training programs that we offer, or that you can find everywhere on the internet, therefore remain valid whether you are 20, 40 or 60 years old.
Of course, there are a number of things to consider because your body does not work the same after 50 years. You do not have the same metabolism, your body runs slower so you have to pay more attention to your nutrition, stress management, and sleep well, to get fit after 50.
Important note:
Avoid movements that are too explosive and loads that are too heavy to preserve your joints.
I would recommend listening to your body more after a certain age. Even though studies tend to show that you can keep the same training volume, or even, increase it if you want to gain mass, personally, I would tell you to be careful. Until 60 years old, that is okay. On the other hand, over the age of 60, I recommend that my clients increase the recovery time between sessions and take not too heavy weights.
Know that you can even do more than avoid this loss of muscle: it is still possible to increase muscle mass after 50 years, but it is true that the progression will be lower for equal effort.
3 Golden rules for keeping a pretty and perfect figure after 50

No matter how careful you are, it is impossible to maintain your pre-menopausal weight: the pounds are piling up slowly but surely. No wonder, the disappearance of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone leads to a change in metabolism. In short, for the same level of effort, you naturally burn fewer calories and you store fat more quickly. Added to this is a modification of the silhouette, which becomes more androgynous with, like your man, a tendency to take especially on the stomach. A natural phenomenon but not inevitable, provided you adopt new reflexes.
1. We sugar less
Let it be said, the hunt for carbohydrates, which promote the storage of fat and small bulges, is open. In your sights, put all those with a high glycemic index: drinks (including fruit juices), added white sugar, sweets and pastries, honey and jam, desserts (including compotes or industrial fruit salads). You can only consume it on an exceptional basis. Since carbohydrates are your brain fuel, however, allow yourself two to three servings of fruit per day and regularly eat whole grains and pulses. Cut down on starchy foods such as pasta, rice, white bread and potatoes, especially if you do not exercise much. You will not be able to get fit after 50.
2. Avoid restrictive diets

Beware of the yoyo effect that accompanies deprivation! Especially since it will be more difficult, each time to lose the pounds gained. Of course, you have to be careful not to increase your calorie intake (out of boredom, because you have a stroke of the blues…), but no need to force yourself to lighten your plates. Rather, eat better, that is, gradually change you are eating habits finally. Skipping meals, for example, is of no benefit as it may trigger cravings and snacking.
3. Fill up on protein
The change in figure is not just about weight. It also results from the loss of muscle mass, which occurs during menopause for the benefit of fat mass. To keep enough muscle, you need a good protein intake. No question of cutting corners in this category of weight loss foods. Make sure to maintain at least one portion of lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs or vegetable proteins (pulses, cereals, etc.) at each meal.
4. We are interested in fibers
You can achieve this task after all if you want to get fit after 50by tasting for example two slices of whole meal bread in the morning + lentils at noon + fruits and vegetables at each meal. Also, think about your intake of prebiotics (the good bacteria that enrich the flora) with foods such as sauerkraut, sourdough bread, olives, kefir, fermented soy sauce … or by starting a cure of one to three months. In addition, do not skimp on probiotics to boost their action: artichoke, asparagus, banana, onions, endive, leek..,etc.