7 Steps to Organize a Live Gig

Organizing a gig is not as easy a task as many people think, but it is certainly a way for people to have a great time, especially because we were closed to any events in the previous period and the only thing that resonated in our ears was the coronavirus. It’s still like that, but it still seems a little smaller. Summer vibes are calling us.
Event organization is an area of management that is becoming increasingly popular in our area. Many of us were participants in an event, but few organized the event. To organize an event, you need certain knowledge, skills, and abilities to ensure the smooth flow of events and minimize potential risks. The demands placed on the organizer are much greater than is usually thought. Read below on how to organize the gig that will be talked about.
Assemble the team

Whether it is a big or small concert you will need help with the organization. Engage a band, hire relatives, hire everyone you can think of, and they’re willing to help. You may not need an event agency, but you will need more people to cover the tasks at the event while you are on stage. You will need a team to organize before the event, to coordinate entrances, photographers, cameramen, and the like. Check stageconcepts.co.uk and see some options.
Find the right space
This is the first step you need to take. If you are bringing a more famous band, keep in mind that the response of guests will be great, so it is better to prepare the space in advance to increase the number of people. Also, if you are organizing a gig in a cafe or restaurant, know that guests will be encouraged to stay longer, and it is better to think about the number of staff in time because live music encourages your guests to stay longer and spend more money on drinks and food. Many catering establishments increased their revenues when they started organizing gigs of good bands.
Your choice of location will have a direct and significant effect on your budget. From costs that need to be paid in advance, such as renting space, to “invisible” logistics costs such as providing your own electricity, the venue will determine every item in your budget. The possibilities for the venue are unlimited. Every choice and every challenge are unique to every place.
To find a band with a good reputation, try looking in other local bars. Go to some other competition events and see for yourself the qualities of the band, if you have the time of course.

Choosing the date
Our best advice is to relax and let the date come to you by itself. Sometimes just one factor is enough that you remember at a certain moment and based on that you choose a date and that’s how you start. What is that one factor? It is different for each person and for each event. First, when choosing a date, there are three timekeeping issues to consider: part of the year, part of the week, and part of the day. Compare the date of your event with the date of other events in your city. If you can choose, you probably won’t want to organize a gig the same evening when there’s another good concert in town, because you’ll risk running out of the number of guests you were counting on.
Lighting, lighting, and other equipment

Many bands carry their sound system with them, but it’s up to you as the organizer to check it out in time. As stated by electromarket.co.uk, without adequate lighting and sound system, the gig will be a failure no matter how good a band you bring. Be sure to arrange the technical staff you need at the concert – whether it’s a sound engineer, a lighting master, and the like. You will know for yourself what you need, if not, consult with professionals from the engineering company.
Prepare your tickets
Print a sufficient number of tickets and pre-sell them. That way you will give people enough time to secure theirs in time. Advertise on social media to attract as many people as possible. Invite a few media outlets to follow the event and reward them with free tickets. If the event goes great, they may write something about you in the media, so you will have free advertising.
The price of the performance
Yes, this is one of the most important items, but it is wise to leave it for last when contracting. Why? Because if you arrange all the previous steps correctly even at this moment, the price of the performance will not be a problem. When negotiating the price of a band, it is important that it is a realistic price for performing in accordance with the event. You need to appreciate your work, which I talked about in this video. But it is also very important not to overdo it and not to underestimate your work. You need to have a clearly defined figure for each type of event in accordance with your quality, work, and current market situation.
Realization of the event or day D
This is the most stressful phase, Day D. Everything we have been discussing and preparing for weeks and months is now coming to life. In the operational plan, accurately define the entire order, time, place, and tasks for each contractor. On the spot, you won’t have time to deal with each of them, so it’s a good idea to let the performers know the exact instructions a few days before the event.
Final thoughts

The process of planning, organizing, and realizing an event (manifestation, concert, conference, congress, summit, sports competition, etc.) is very complex and demanding. There should always be an alternative for certain people who occasionally replace someone from the first team for justified reasons. Jobs are agreed upon in advance who will do what and the so-called Road map is made – a plan of activities as a kind of cartographic presentation overall ideas and projects with clear and detailed stages of realization of the event. Care must be taken to have responsible, eloquent, communicative people in the team calm, quick-witted, and able to solve very quickly unplanned problems that arise during the entire period of organization of an event.