5 Important Tips to Stay Warm During Winter Runs

We know what’s going through your head now. Okay, running is a super hobby and great physical activity, but who else can be comfortable jogging while the temperature is below zero and people are in coats and hats? Well, there are people who actually can.
Some of them are athletes who simply can’t give up physical activity, and some do it only as a hobby and somehow become dependent on a sense of satisfaction when their daily routine is fulfilled. Of course, this isn’t ideal for everyone – we know that some of you would rather sit at home by the fire, warming your feet and binge-watching your favorite TV show with a cup of hot chocolate. And that’s okay.
However, for those who don’t seem to be discouraged by chilliness and who are willing to run outside even in these conditions, let’s try to explain with this simple guide what might help you maintain your body temperature and keep you warm.
1. A beanie and some gloves are a must

This isn’t so shocking – even people who don’t run at all will rarely go out in the winter without their hats or a pair of gloves. This applies to you as well, in case you’re planning to do your training.
The rest of your body will slowly feel the increased temperature, but there’s always a possibility that the coldness will make your ears ache. That’s where a whole wide spectrum of various beanies and winter hats come to the scene. Make sure to avoid cotton, as there are many other kinds of materials like poly-spandex, wool, or wind-stopping fabric that will do much better.
And not only fabrics are diverse, as you can also find them in numerous colors and patterns, like in LEAPFIT. When it comes to gloves, these will probably be necessary in cases the temperature is rather low. Oh, and the best thing about them? If you feel too hot at some point or your hands are sweating, you can always stick them to your pocket, and they won’t bother you as you keep going.
2. Warm-up before jogging

Warming up before going for a run is essential at any time of the year, but it becomes more important during the winter when the cold increases the risk of injury.
There’s a certain difference between the scenario in which you do some pre-training activities before you actually get out, and the one where you don’t do absolutely anything and just start jogging. It will be much difficult not to get tired.
This doesn’t mean that you need to do who-knows-how-many series of physical activities while you’re preparing – a couple of light yoga or warm-up exercises will be enough. if you have stairs, climb them quickly, then quickly go down and repeat it several times – of course, being careful not to fall.
The most crucial parts of the body to move in order to bestir ourselves are legs and core. Squads, lunges, step-backs… a couple of reps for each exercise… and this will help you increase your body temperature and activate circulation without getting all sweaty.
3. Apply some Vaseline to your skin

Sounds weird? Don’t worry – it really works. You’ve probably heard about many useful features of these substances, like protecting hurt parts of the skin, makeup removal and so on, but it can also be a powerful weapon of insulation. So, why not give it a chance?
Try applying a thin layer on your feet, hands, neck, and face before you put your clothes, socks, and gloves on. Not only will it instantly make you feel warmer and keep that feeling for a while, but it will also keep your skin safe and won’t let the wind damage it. These things sometimes happen if the wind is too strong, so just don’t risk and do yourself a favor with this trick.
4. Eat much more carbohydrates

If you thought that diet doesn’t have anything to do with the warmth – oh, you’re so wrong. Generally, carbohydrates produce more “food” for our brain, which then sends signals to the rest of our body and produces the warmth we need.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that we need to eat a kilo of pasta to keep cozy. Just make sure you increase food intake of this type in order to feel more significant progress – fruit, grains, legumes and even sugars from some sweets will do. Yes, you read right – go get that choco-bar right away!
5. Opt for running inside

Well, for those of you who are moderately or extremely sensitive to cold, but definitely don’t want to cut off your physical activities, there’s always an option to organize some outdoor mini-marathons. This comes with diverse benefits, as well – you won’t need to put on extra clothes or worry if you’re going to catch a cold due to damn strong wind and your sweatiness.
You can choose among so many sports halls, gyms or any other convenient large space where you can practice your routine. Not to mention all those cool pieces of equipment that simulate running, like treadmills, steppers and so on.
You already know that running is a truly popular sport activity that allows people to maintain their bodies (and minds, too!) healthy and in shape all the time. In spring and summer, it brings enjoying the different landscapes that nature can offer and warm sunrays stroking your skin.
During winter, honestly – not that much: many people stop running for fear of constant climate changes and the cold that may happen.
But, if you’ve read these pieces and decided to follow them, you have nothing to worry about – there’s always a way to make it work, even if you’re not really a winter type of person. With the right equipment and manner, but also with quality nutrition and good conditions that you can provide for yourself, this activity doesn’t need to be so scary and impossible. Who knows, you might end up totally addicted to it!