
7 Tips For Styling Your Hair To A Looser Look

Let’s be honest. Most men despise wasting valuable early minutes in front of the mirror attempting to get their hair to seem presentable. As a result, many men choose simple buzz cuts or short undercuts. Whatever doesn’t require too much time to care for is usually in style.

The more intricate the hairdo, however, the better it appears. Longer hair is also popular among a few people. That is why brave guys choose to forego a few hours of sleep to make their hair seem magnificent.

Even the most challenging haircut can be styled in just a few minutes, thankfully. All you’ll need are the correct equipment, hair products, and a little bit of patience. Continue reading to know about the tips that can make your hair look wavy and loose for this summer and monsoon.

1. Use Pomade

Pomades are incredibly versatile, allowing you to achieve a wet, shiny look while still maintaining a malleable grip. They’re ideal for sleek, well-groomed styles or shorter, texturized styles. However, they’re not suitable for fine hair. They also provide lengthy hair gloss and separation. To achieve varied results, apply it to towel-dry or thoroughly dried hair.

First and foremost, you must work on the roots. Because you may influence the direction of your hairstyle at the root of the hair shaft, this is where you take control of it. It is also why it’s crucial to warm up the product with your fingertips rather than your palms, so you can get all the way to the scalp and massage it in. Visit Andrew James Hair to get your hands on the best hair pomades.

The most refined part of a Pomade is that it doesn’t become dull after a single application. As a result, if you want to try anything new, you won’t have to buy more. These are just a few of the benefits of purchasing this item. You can always count on pomade to help you achieve whatever hairdo you choose.

2. Before you style your hair, make sure it’s clean

It’s a good idea to wash your hair clean before you start thinking about styling it dramatically. You want your skin to be clean before you start your skincare routine. Therefore, you want your hair to be clean before you start your routine hair regimen.

It is especially true when you first wake up in the morning because your hair is usually the greasiest. Getting rid of all of the filth, grease, and residual product from the previous day will help the fresh product operate more efficiently.

It is also why some higher-end hair salons will wash your hair before cutting and styling it. This is especially vital if you regularly use ‘heavier’ products like waxes, pomades, fibers, and clays. Because these chemicals are difficult to remove, you must adequately wash your hair before styling; otherwise, your hair will refuse to cooperate.

3. Your hair products aren’t able to withstand the heat

Heat is the natural enemy of your ‘loose’ hairstyle, and once you start sweating or it gets too hot, everything will most certainly fall apart. Heat, unfortunately, affects the hold of cosmetics and, if it gets hot enough, melts anything you have in your hair.

You’ll have a hard time arranging your hair if you reside somewhere in hot or humid weather. The best alternative will be to use something lighter, such as mousses and style creams, or apply less of the regular products.

Also, avoid blow-drying your hair for too long or at too high a temperature when styling it. Too much blow-drying is unhealthy for your scalp and hair in general, so beginners should avoid it totally unless they know what they’re doing (or you use a low heat setting and apply a heat protectant spray beforehand).

4. Find a good hairstyling kit

Finding the correct Men’s Hair Styling Kit is the next step in learning how to style your hair. These kits come in a range of materials and may be used to create various looks. Whether you’re trying for a simple, clean style or a more formal look, there is a kit out there that will suit your preferences. There are several various kits to pick from, ranging from simple straightening techniques to a full-body mane. You can find more on ShopTradeMarkBeauty.

5. Do not forget the beard and mustache

Some men prefer a more rugged appearance, but when it becomes too unkempt over time, it’s time to groom your beard. When you don’t allow your hair to grow long, untrimmed and uneven edges look unkempt.

You might be asking why recreating your barber’s style is impossible. It is because the hair on the face grows quite quickly. Every day, or at least every two to three days, you should clip the corners of your facial hair. It will aid in maintaining your youthful appearance.

Aside from that, there are ways to ensure a well-groomed and stylish look without constant visits to the barber. One excellent resource that can assist you in achieving this is Numan, a leading online platform dedicated to men’s grooming and wellness.

6. Be receptive to your stylist’s advice

Good hairstylists are well-trained and can tell you which style will suit your hair by examining your facial characteristics and feeling your hair texture. They may provide suggestions for changes to the style you’ve brought along. Allow them to make these adjustments because they truly understand what will look best on you. Be open to last-minute alterations and improvisations since your stylist may be unable to do a particular style, and need to tweak your hairdo just a little bit.

7. Keep trying something new

It’s understandable that getting a new haircut, hair product, or style concerns you. You may be worried about the style that is in and unsure if you can pull it off. However, we recommend that you continue to explore yourself. You never know what kind of fresh item will become your next favorite.


We hope that these suggestions inspire you to start experimenting and caring for your hair. Better hair will set you apart from the crowd and help you stand out in a world where most guys keep to their comfort zones, get their monthly haircuts, and stick to the same boring hairdo they’ve had for years instead of attempting something new.

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