
Narcissists: How They Control Their Victims and How They React When Their Control Slowly Fading Away

Narcissists are self-absorbed. They frequently dominate discussions, control their loved ones, and deceive others for financial gain. You may try to avoid these deceitful people, but you may become victims of their deception.

Insidious Ways Narcissists Try to Control You

To control others, narcissistic persons employ a variety of hidden and overt tactics. You might want to think about a narcissist in your life while you go through the following list of underhanded methods and see if any of these tactics have been employed on you.

Projecting. Narcissists tend to accuse others of doing what the narcissist is doing. Narcissists often overlook such hypocrisies. They accuse instantly and then become convinced that their charges are correct. They might avoid taking responsibility for their dysfunctional conduct by projecting it onto others, putting them on the defensive.

Telling You Your Reality. Many narcissists believe they have exceptional knowledge of others and feel justified in labeling their reality. Narcissists try to gain an advantage by making people doubt themselves by labeling their ideas, feelings, and intentions.

Badgering. Narcissists believe they have the right to acquire what they desire at whatever cost. As a result, they may pest others with requests, inquiries, and views indefinitely. They may put pressure on you to respond quickly or make snap judgments. They keep repeating falsehoods as if repeating them makes them trustworthy. They won’t listen to other perspectives and may become enraged when confronted with inquiries or disagreements.

Narcissists are frequently unaware of how much they upset others. If they identify it, they are either unconcerned about it or even like it. Narcissists have discovered that other people will often become exhausted and give in. That’s mission completed for them.

Infantilizing. Narcissists may speak down to people or adopt a tone of voice that resembles a parent speaking to a kid. Others may be treated as less intelligent or have fewer rights. Narcissists feel superior when they degrade others.

Minimizing. Anything that makes a narcissist seem or feel unpleasant is routinely minimized. They blame others for their poor behavior and make excuses for it. They may flatly deny that they have done anything harmful. Others find it difficult to battle narcissists who minimize and stonewall.

Their minimization shows a double standard. When a narcissist insults or injures another individual, they don’t think twice about it. When a narcissist feels betrayed, it might feel like the end of the world.

Going Nuclear. Narcissists are notorious for not controlling their most powerful urges or sentiments. They are free to throw tantrums, scream, and cause a stir. Their larger-than-life emotions and behaviors make them feel strong and release unpleasant feelings or thoughts. It puts others on the defensive once more.

Shaming. Narcissists carry a great deal of guilt, though they are usually unaware of it. As a result, they tend to vent their negative emotions to people around them.

They may cast doubt on the validity of others. They may chastise others for a less-than-perfect performance or point out a failing. They have a way of bringing people down a notch. As a result, they have the upper hand. Furthermore, the victims of their shaming may feel compelled to defend or explain themselves, giving narcissists more ammo for further shaming.

Flattering. Narcissists like receiving compliments and assume that others do as well. They may flatter you to get you to reciprocate. They may attempt to soothe your ego to gain something from you or develop dependency.

Alternatively, they may employ fake flattery to deflect attempts by others to hold narcissists accountable for their bad behavior. Being too focused on yourself that you ignore others can be a concern. If you want to check out yourself, you can ask “Am I a narcissist? Or is there a narcissist test you can take to analyze yourself?

Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Over a Victim

When you’re in an abusive situation affecting your mental health, it isn’t easy to know what to do. Should you tell your family about what you’ve gone through while dealing with master manipulators? Should you keep quiet, hoping that your narcissistic abuser will eventually change?

It is a common issue, but the fact is that abusers never change, leaving you with just one option: escape. However, when the guilty person knows their world is falling around them and they will be revealed, this is likely to trigger an incredible degree of wrath. It occurs when a person with this personality disorder begins to lose control. When a narcissist loses control of you, they will act out and do the following:

They Become Even More Devious Than Before. When narcissists feel threatened, they increase their deception and unleash a new dimension of wrath, which many of us could never have imagined was conceivable. They’ll scream, stomp their feet, sulk, and do anything they can to keep you in their grasp, including becoming violent and physically abusive.

Their purpose is to make you believe you won’t survive or get by without them, which means that nothing is off-limits. They’ll act like a spoilt child whose favorite toy has been taken away from them, even when their favorite toy is you, their victim.

They’ll Give You the Silent Treatment. When a narcissist can no longer control you, they try to persuade you to remain by cutting off all lines of communication and acting as if you don’t exist to them. You’re dealing with knowledgeable people who want to isolate their victims from their family and friends, leading them to think that they have no one else to turn to but their abuser. Who’d have guessed quiet could be such a potent weapon?

They’ll Start Up a Smear Campaign Against You. People living with a narcissistic personality disorder will go to any length to maintain their image and make their victims appear to be the responsible party. They’ll weave webs of deception to persuade others that the individuals they’ve targeted are just jealous of their success and lifestyle.

Nothing is off-limits here, and they will go to any extent to maintain their good name. So, if you’ve recently broken up with your narcissistic pervert, don’t be shocked if rumors about you start circulating on social media.

They’ll go Off the Radar. When people with passive-aggressive personalities believe you have regained control, they may give you the slip. The goal of putting distance between themselves and their victims is to leave them with many unresolved questions that will keep them up at night.

Furthermore, for them, being the one who physically disappears would implant scary notions in the minds of their victims, as well as a sense of dread about when they’ll return. If they lose control, they’ll decide to destroy your life from afar.

They Might Even Stalk You. What’s scarier than the prospect of being followed everywhere? These vindictive monsters aren’t beyond putting one final fright on their target, and they’re frequently fascinated with the concept of ruining people’s lives by lurking in the shadows. The prospect of making people glance behind their backs delights them and gives them a sense of omnipotence.

You must not back down after you’ve exposed your narcissistic abuser and can finally see them for what they are, no matter how terrifying the idea of a future alone may appear. The important thing is to keep moving forward, and you can’t do that if you fall for their lies or question yourself and your ability to walk away once and for all.

When these people lose control, they become much more dangerous, but that shouldn’t stop you from breaking out from their tyrannical grasp.

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