
Is using LED Grow Lights a Wise Move?

Grow lights are an excellent greenhouse investment since they let you grow your preferred herbs, fruits, and veggies all year. There are numerous varieties of traditional and full spectrum growing lights on the market, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your unique requirements and tastes, will affect how to choose grow light.

The most crucial element for plants is light. The optimum source of light for plants is sunlight; however, there are times when artificial light is required. The development of greenhouse agriculture has resulted in the need for plant factories and greenhouse light supplementation. These technologies are essential for successfully producing horticultural crops in protected environments.

There are several different grow lights; however, LED grow lights are the most common. Due to their higher efficiency than traditional grow lights, LED grow lamps are becoming more and more popular.

They are excellent for indoor cultivation since they require less energy and generate less heat. The precise spectrum of light that plants need at various stages of growth can be provided by LED grow lights through customization.

Additionally, LED grow lights can be modified to deliver the precise spectrum of light that plants require at various growth stages. This implies that the yield of plants can be increased by using LED grow lights.

This article will focus on the best full spectrum led grow lights for growing marijuana and different plants. It will also discuss the history of grow lights and how they have impacted farming.

What is a grow light?

A grow light is a light fixture used to simulate sunlight and promote plant growth. These lights are often used in indoor gardening or horticulture applications where natural sunlight is unavailable or insufficient.

Grow lights come in various shapes, sizes, and colors and can be powered by electricity, batteries, or solar panels. Common grow lights include fluorescent, metal halide, and LED lights.

They are used to provide plants with the light they need for photosynthesis, which is the process that converts light into energy that the plant can use for growth. Photosynthesis is the foundation of the food chain; without it, plants would die.

Development history of plant lamp

Grow lights have advanced significantly during the past 100 years. They now offer a more constant light spectrum and are more effective than before. The lights were first developed in the early 1900s.

In the past, grow lights were utilized in greenhouses to supplement natural light. High-pressure sodium (HPS) grow lights were created in the 1950s. These lights became the norm for horticultural illumination because they were more effective than earlier grow lights.

Metal halide (MH) grow lights were created in the 1980s. The full spectrum led grow lights for indoor plants are now the industry standard for horticultural lighting and they are even more effective than HPS grow lights.

Types of LED grow lights

The selection you make when selecting LED growth lights will be influenced by a few different aspects, such as,

  • The price of the light. LED lights can be more expensive than traditional grow lights, so you must factor that into your budget.
  • Light’s intensity. Some plants may find the LED lighting too much or too little. Select a less powerful light if you cultivate sensitive plants and vice versa.
  • The size of the light. LED lights come in various sizes; you must choose one that will fit your space.
  • The color of the light. Various colors are available for these grow lights and each has a different impact on the plants.

There are many different led grow light comparisons available today on the market. Each type of these grow lights have unique benefits and drawbacks, so choosing the right light for your specific needs is essential.

Some of the most popular types of LED grow lights include:
  • Full spectrum LED grow lights: These grow lights provide a full spectrum of light, including ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light. This makes them ideal for plant growth, as they can simulate the sunlight plants need for photosynthesis.
  • High-intensity discharge (HID) LED grow lights: These lights are very bright and provide a high light intensity. HIDs are ideal for larger grow operations where a lot of light is needed.
  • Compact fluorescent (CFL) LED grow lights: These lights are smaller and more compact than other types of LED grow lights. This makes them ideal for smaller grow operations or use in tight spaces.
  • Blue LED grow lights: These lights emit blue light, which is ideal for promoting vegetative growth in plants.
  • Red LED grow lights: These lights emit red light, which is ideal for promoting flowering and fruiting in plants.
  • White LED grow lights: These lights emit a full spectrum of light, making them ideal for all stages of plant growth.

No matter which type of LED grow light you choose, it is essential to ensure that it provides the right full spectrum grow lighting for your specific needs.

How spectrum plant lights improve plant yields

Numerous studies have demonstrated how spectrum lights for plants can increase their yields. The first advantage of LEDs is that they generate light in a relatively narrow wavelength range that is perfect for plant growth. This enables plants to use light for photosynthesis more effectively, resulting in more growth.

Second, since LEDs don’t produce much heat, plants can be placed closer to them without fear of damage. As a result, the plants may access more light, encouraging development.

Finally, LEDs are more environmentally friendly because they use less energy than other lighting sources. Growers might realize cheaper costs and increased earnings as a result.

Hues of blue and red affect plant growth by affecting the development of roots and blooms. This indicates that most plant species will complete their whole life cycle when exposed to blue and red growth lights.

This process is aided by adding colors like green, deep blue, and far red to the color spectrum, which generally produces faster-growing plants and accumulates secondary metabolites and other chemicals. The full spectrum lights for plants include all hues and closely mirror the sun’s spectrum.

How to light your garden

For full spectrum grow lights, you need to uniformly balance the lighting for high yields and uniform plant development. Below are several ways you can achieve the results,

1. Top lighting

Top lighting involves illuminating plants from above, simulating the sun’s downward rays. By enhancing the natural light that is present, this kind of illumination can improve development in greenhouses. Artificial lighting may be the only source of light that plants have in some circumstances; therefore, it is crucial to ensure that it is sufficient to support healthy growth.

2. Inter lighting

Interlighting avoids shadows that might otherwise obstruct healthy growth by placing artificial lights between the plant and the leaves. This is typically carried out in greenhouses to promote plant growth and flowering. Interlighting enables producers to provide plants with the light they require to be healthy without endangering the foliage.

3. Vertical farming

Vertical farming is a type of agriculture where crops are grown vertically stacked layers in a controlled environment. This farming maximizes space and can be used to grow crops where traditional farming is impossible.

Growing environment for Marijuana and other crops that can take advantage of full spectrum led grow lights.

Different crops have different ideal growing environments. For example, some crops prefer full sun while others prefer partial shade. LED grow lights can provide the full spectrum of light plants need to grow, regardless of outside conditions. This makes them ideal for growing crops in a variety of environments.

1. Marijuana

The marijuana industry is growing rapidly as more and more states legalize the use of the drug for medicinal and recreational purposes. This growth is creating a need for more growers, cultivators, and dispensaries to meet the demand for marijuana.

The industry is highly regulated, so growers must be licensed and follow strict guidelines. Cultivators must also be experienced in growing the plant and be able to provide a high-quality product. Dispensaries must also provide a safe and secure environment for customers to purchase marijuana.

To grow marijuana with LED grow light, you need to purchase an LED grow light specifically designed for growing plants. You will also need to purchase a grow tent or room to create a controlled environment for your plants.

The most effective spectrum of light for growing marijuana plants is full spectrum light. This type of light provides the plants with the full range of visible light, from the blue end of the spectrum to the red end.

Once you have your grow light and grow space set up, you need to plant marijuana seeds. You can start with clones or seeds. If you are using seeds, you will need to germinate them first. Once they have germinated, you can plant them in soil or hydroponic media.

After your plants are in the grow space, you will need to water them and provide them with nutrients. The type of nutrients you will need to give your plants will depend on the soil or hydroponic media you use. You will also need to monitor the grow light space’s temperature and humidity levels.

LED grow lights should be kept on for 18-24 hours per day during the vegetative stage. During the flowering stage, you can reduce the time the lights are on to 12 hours daily. Be sure to keep an eye on your plants and adjust the light schedule if necessary.

If you notice your plants are not growing well, you may need to increase the intensity of the light or the amount of time the light is on. This will help you produce high-quality marijuana.

Important things to know when using full spectrum grow lights to grow marijuana

  • Calcium and magnesium deficiency. Under LED lighting, cannabis plants generally transpire less moisture than under HPS lighting. This may cause deficiencies of calcium
    and magnesium ions, which can be corrected with supplemental nutrients.
  • Achieving the right hanging position. If you are growing cannabis with LED lights, hanging them at the correct distance from the plants is essential. If the lights are too close to the plants, they can cause stress, especially seedlings.
    One solution is to keep seedlings in the corner of the tent, where the light intensity may be lower. Alternatively, you can raise the lights and allow the plant to grow into the more intense light as it stretches later.
  • Water consumption. Plants growing under LED lights frequently use less water because of the reduced ambient heat levels. Inexperienced LED growers, however, can be tempted to overwater their plants, which stunts root development and, in turn, plant growth. Cannabis roots require oxygenation to grow quickly and overwatering stunts plant growth.
  • Taste and aroma. The lower heat levels produced by LED grow lights allow delicate terpenes and flavonoids to remain in the plants rather than being lost to the atmosphere in a hot HPS tent. This results in a better-tasting and more potent final product.
  • Plant bleaching. When light levels are too intense, the tips of the plants are bleached and look white instead of green. This can be a sign to raise the LED lights higher or to tie down the tallest branches of your plants.

2. Flowers

Many flowers can be cultivated using LED lights, including roses, lilies, and orchids. Under LED grow lights, flowers primarily develop better because LED lights emit very little heat. The flowers are prevented from wilting and dying by not being dried by the light’s heat.

LED lights also create a highly bright light, which helps flowers grow better under them. The flowers are therefore receiving more light than they would if they were blooming beneath a standard light bulb. The additional light aids the flowers’ faster growth and increases flower production.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Many growers are finding that fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and strawberries can all be grown using LED grow lights. Crops grown under LED grow lights are healthier and more vibrant than those produced under other types of lighting.

4. Greens

Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, and kale can all be grown using LED lighting.

Benefits of using full spectrum plant lights

1. Efficiency

LEDs are more energy-efficient than other grow lights because they use less energy to produce the same amount of light. Consequently, you will minimize your carbon footprint and save money monthly on your electricity bill.

Additionally, LEDs last longer than HPS lights, so you will not need to replace them as regularly. This further reduces costs and increases the long-term viability of LED grow lights.

2. Cooler temperature

LED bulbs are safer to use near crops since they create less heat than HPS bulbs. Unlike LED bulbs, which stay reasonably cool, HPS bulbs can become so hot that they might cause fires. Due to this, LED bulbs are a preferable choice for using them in tiny areas.

A semiconductor material creates LED lights; when an electric current flows through it, the semiconductor material emits light. Compared to the heat produced by HPS bulbs, this technique produces relatively little heat.

3. Longevity

LED grow lights have a far longer lifespan than conventional HPS grow lights. This is because they generate extremely little heat, which means they don’t overheat and degrade as quickly.

Furthermore, LEDs are far more energy-efficient than HPS lights, which results in more light produced per watt of power. As a result, you won’t need to change your LEDs as frequently, and they will last longer.

4. Full spectrum

Crop growth is facilitated by LED lamps’ complete spectrum of energy. It is simpler to control the growth cycle of your plants when you install a system specifically designed for the crop you cultivate. With LED, you won’t need to replace lights as your crops end their development cycle.

5. Less bulky

LEDs are less bulky than other types of bulbs because they are more efficient in using electricity. This means they do not need to use as much material to create the same amount of light, making them smaller and more lightweight.


Despite the fact that LED grow lights have multiple advantages, they also have their shortcomings and, they include.

1. Initial cost

The initial cost of LED grow lights is one of their key drawbacks. Compared to more conventional grow lights like fluorescent or HID lights, LED grow lights are more expensive. The long-run costs are lower since they last so much longer.

2. Emission of a lot of blue light

The drawback is that LED grow lights produce a lot of blue light. While certain plants may benefit from this, too much blue light might slow plant growth. Additionally, because blue light has a shorter wavelength than other colors, it may be harder for plants to absorb.

3. Risk of light burn

Due to the strength of LED grow lights, overexposure to light can induce light burn in plants. Leaves that experience light burns may eventually turn brown and perish. It is crucial to monitor light levels to prevent this issue while utilizing LED grow lights.

Also the gas-discharge method used by HID bulbs produces a lot of heat. If the bulbs are used in cramped areas, this heat may injure crops and present a fire risk.


Since LED grow lights are more effective and durable than conventional grow lights, they are becoming increasingly popular for indoor horticulture. Additionally, they produce very little heat, preventing your plants from overheating and drying out.

However, LED grow lights can be more expensive than other grow lights and might need extra help illuminating large plants. If this is your first time doing this kind of farming, ensure you get the right advice from professionals. It will cost you a lot of money and big losses if you don’t handle LED lighting the right way.

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