
How Many Days In Advance Should You Start Packing For A Move

Getting ready for a move is very important because a lot of details are involved and you cannot afford to miss anything. One of those important details is packing. It is important to efficiently pack every little thing and not how to approach the process. One question that people often ask is how far in advance should be begin the process of packing their things up.

It is a tricky balance because they will still require some essentials to function in their daily lives. At the same time, they need to get started with the packing otherwise nothing will be done. In this article, we will be describing how the packing process should be so that there are no delays on the day of the move.

Go by Weeks


The best approach that anyone can follow in such a scenario is to divide such a time period as weeks. People usefully know the exact date on which the movers will come and they will have to leave for a new destination. It is important to plan well in advance at least a couple months before everything is done.

Begin with the planning stage and move on to packing non essential items. The quicker you begin is the better for effective management later on. If you do not have a lot of time or we would recommend being ready at least three or four weeks before the due date. Otherwise you can start planning for the packing 8 weeks before. Let us tell you what should be done in each week leading up to the moving day.

2 Months / 8 Weeks to Go

This is the planning stage during which one should take inventory of every room of the house. It might be helpful to have a notepad and a pen so that you can plan the packing process for every room one by one.

Before taking inventory, do a cursory clean up and remove everything not needed. After it, make a list of how you are going to approach packing in each room so that you have an organized number of steps to follow. Maybe important because it will allow you to look at all the items present in the storage space and out of sight.

6 Weeks to Go


Let the planning stage brew in your head so that you have a gameplan on how to approach the entire process. At one point of time before you start packing it is important to sort your stuff to clear the clutter. When there are about 5 to 6 weeks to go, it is important to remove the stuff that you do not want.

Sort everything into piles: things to take and things to leave behind. The clutter can either be thrown out, donated, or put up in a yard sale depending on the condition of the items. It is inevitable to have some emotional attachment to being kept with you for so long.

However, it is a more economical choice to only take essential items and leave anything to find use for. There are some items that are not allowed on a flight or on moving trucks. Plan on what you are going to do with them well in advance.

1 Month / 4 Weeks To Go

This is the time when you hire a moving company in your region so that there is no flash of dates and your plan is not postponed. By this time, you should figure out which items are going with the moving truck and which items you will be taking with you. Take help from demenagement-total.ca for moving in the Montreal region.

There might be people who will take help from family and friends and not from a moving company. Planning on how the move will be executed should be finalized in this period. To choose a company, it is important to look into referrals, reputation, and license. If you plan to do it yourself, involve a truck service or get friends of family on board along with other storage options.

3 Weeks to Go


Now that the moving day is approaching fast, this time to act quickly. This is the time when you gather all the pattern supplies from cardboard boxes to tape and sharpies for labeling. Since you are just beginning the packing process, start with the non essential items that are not being used during your everyday activities.

Go from room to room and begin with the room which is not used everyday. It is important to label the boxes as per the room and the items stored inside it. One should store the package boxes in the storage room or basement for convenience. It is a lengthy process and things are likely to get messy, so tackle one room at a time.

Do not allow professional packers to handle valuables. It is better to handle the parking for personal items yourself to ensure the safety of the items. As the day draws near, start packing items that you can do without. When it is one week to go, pack up the kitchen and bathroom supplies and leave out only necessities.

On the Day


Try to not leave anything on the last day because you will have a lot to take care of. After systems from your family and friends because they can help you out on the final day to speed up the process. Enjoy the last day in your old place and make sure it is a happy one.

The Takeaway

The only way to increase convenience on the day of moving is by doing everything beforehand. Planning is very important so that everything goes on smoothly on the day of the move. Making lists and labeling everything will help you out in the end and avoid any possible confusion. Do not hesitate to ask for help even if you plan to do most of the things yourself.

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