Need a New Orleans Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for Your Accident Case?

It’s a clear and sunny day—perfect riding weather. You’ve put on all the right protective gear and the bike is ready for the road. Everything seems okay, that is, until the unimaginable happens.
A motorcycle accident can happen anytime, and they typically occur unexpectedly. No matter how well a person prepares, how safely they ride, or how close to home they stay, accidents happen. To learn how an attorney can help with a financial recovery after a motorcycle crash, visit today.
Why Do Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

Motorcyclists know that they must share New Orleans’ roads with everyone else, but local drivers don’t always share those views. In fact, motorists often do things to cause accidents, such as:
- Cutting motorcyclists off at stop signs and traffic lights
- Getting too close when changing lanes, merging, and passing
- Tailgating
- Speeding
- Failing to yield
- Not paying enough attention when motorcyclists change lanes
- Crowding the lane
These and other scenarios may trigger accidents that lead to severe and even fatal injuries. When your life’s been changed because of someone else’s negligent actions, it makes the recovery process even more challenging. To build a successful case, rely on the advice of a personal injury attorney in New Orleans.
Common Types of Accidents and How to Avoid Them

The motorcycling scene has taken on a life of its own in New Orleans, and bikes can be found on the streets at all hours of the day and night. While riding is a favorite activity in the city, it’s not without its dangers. All it takes is one accident for a rider to experience debilitating pain, high medical bills, and devastating losses.
Though it’s impossible to prevent all accidents, there are ways to stay safe. In the section below, we’ll discuss the most common types of crashes and the best ways to avoid them.
- Vehicles turning left. This is a common accident type that involves a driver who doesn’t see a rider or fails to judge their speed. These crashes occur for various reasons, but inattentiveness, blind spots, and distracted driving are the most well-known culprits. Reduce the risk of these accidents by slowing down at intersections, being ready to stop at any time, and trying to anticipate others’ actions.
- A driver changes lanes without looking. Getting into another lane increases the risk of a collision, even if the motorist is paying attention to their surroundings. In some instances, when drivers look for cars, they’re not focusing on motorcycles. Avoid these events by knowing where vehicles’ blind spots are—and staying out of them.
- Being hit from behind. Fender-benders are quite common in New Orleans, and while they often result in minor scratches and bruises, they can be deadly for motorcyclists. Reduce your risk by staying out of “crumple zones” and by staying in gear and ready to move.
- Head-on crashes. Head-on collisions are some of the deadliest accidents for motorcyclists. Frequently, they occur because of a driver’s distraction, but poor visibility and intoxication are sometimes to blame. Reduce the risk of these accidents by staying aware of your surroundings, reducing your speed when possible, and staying to the right when vehicles get close to the center line.
- A vehicle opens its door. Most people believe that door-related accidents only happen to bicyclists, but they also affect motorcycle riders. If a vehicle is parked and its passenger or driver opens a door into a rider’s path, it may result in a serious accident and devastating injuries. Though there’s no way to prevent others from opening their doors, it’s possible to reduce risk by staying alert, maintaining a safe speed, and staying out of the area between parked cars and active traffic lanes.
After a motorcycle accident, there’s no amount of compensation that will erase the damages you’ve suffered. However, getting paid for those losses may help you recover and move on after a crash. With a skilled and experienced New Orleans injury attorney’s help, an injured rider won’t have to navigate the legal system alone. Call or click today to request a free case evaluation.
Why Motorcyclists Need Help From New Orleans Accident Attorneys

In an accident where another person is at fault, the assistance of an experienced local injury attorney will ensure that victims get a fair and just settlement for the pain, suffering, and losses they’ve endured. As a motorcyclist, however, you may not realize how important it is to have legal representation after an accident. Motorcyclists must work to overcome long-standing biases from:
- Other drivers. It’s a sad fact that motorcyclists still face prejudice. While there are laws in place to protect them, it’s impossible to control others’ careless, negligent, and intentional behaviors toward motorcyclists. These actions can leave victims with lost income, high medical bills, permanent disabilities, significant pain and suffering, and severe injuries.
- Juries and insurance companies. Many insurers are biased against motorcyclists, simply because they’re said to assume the risk that comes with almost complete exposure. Insurers often blame motorcyclists for their own injuries, even when they are not at fault. These biases often lead to reduced settlements and jury awards.
While these prejudices are tough to overcome, there’s help available. By working with a New Orleans motorcycle accident attorney, you can level the playing field and encourage other parties to evaluate the case in an objective, unbiased manner.
Get Compensated Fairly—Work With a New Orleans Accident Attorney

New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyers know the biases riders face from other drivers, insurers, and juries. Our lawyers know how to fight these prejudices to ensure that clients receive justice and compensation for their pain, suffering, and losses.
As a personal injury firm in New Orleans, we’re focused on helping riders get the compensation they deserve. We accept cases on a contingency basis, which means we’re paid only if the outcome is a successful one. The team at the Law Office of Keith L. Magness is ready to help, so call, click, or email us to schedule a no-obligation consultation.