5 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

Having a dog as a part of your family is a great thing. It adds so much value. They sometimes represent an addition that helps us resolve many stressful situations easier. As you may know, they can absorb our stress and return our love and affection.
Almost no person in the world can resist the love provided by our little friends. Since this is your family member, it certainly requires a couple of things to feel comfortable and loved. Sure, some people get carried away with providing comfort to their pets, but saying that they don’t require anything is a mistake.
Sometimes, these things will help you with taking care of your little friend. For instance, using a smart dog collar review is a good thing. If you want to check it out, visit goodpuplife.com. Today, we would like to talk about the most expensive dog breeds in the world, just in case you’re interested in starting breeding them. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of these.
1. Samoyed

The most expensive dog breed in the world is called Samoyed, and it originates from Russian Siberia. One of the reasons why it is so expensive is the fact that it is easily one of the rarest breeds out there. Besides that, it’s quite popular because of its loving nature, showing affection, and always wanting to be beside its owner. Plus, we can see that this is one of few breeds that have a smiling face.
At the same time, this breed has a quite strange personality because it’s quite easy for it to roam away. That’s why having a leash is an absolute must. However, this urge is not something that they will be persistent with. One more thing we would like to point out is that they simply adore being around children, so it is a perfect breed for those who have families. The only negative side is that it is prone to many health issues.
2. Lowchen

The next breed we would like to talk about is Lowchen. In German, this name means “little lion”. Everyone who has one of these will see that this is not for nothing. We are talking about a fierce breed, brave, and loyal. However, the main reason why this name stuck is that it has the same hair like a lion. It needs to be said that this is probably one of the rarest breeds out there.
Besides that, saying that this is an average dog species would be a mistake. Those who own them know that they are pretty silent. Besides that, they are friendly, and they always want to be social with everyone around them, especially with children. Sometimes, they can get carried away with wanting to be the center of attention, but you will see that this is not as annoying as it might sound.
3. Portuguese Waterdog

If we’re talking about the United States, we can say that Portuguese Waterdog is relatively a new strain. It’s because it has arrived in the country in the seventies. While that this is not a factor that would make any strain popular, we can see that this is exactly what happened with Portuguese Waterdog. But saying that this is the only element responsible for their popularity is simply not accurate.
For those who don’t know, we are talking about a pretty athletic strain. With that in mind, you will agree that they require a lot of time to commit to outdoor activities. So, having these in an apartment is not something we would recommend. If these are the circumstances you live in, you would need to find a proper daycare to take care of these needs while you are at your office.
4. Tibetan Mastiff

As you can see from its name, Tibetan Mastiff comes from China’s territory which borders Nepal. Little is known about the fact that we are talking about one of the oldest breeds in the world. According to the old, ancient Chinese books, we can see that it was used for protecting flocks against wolves and leopards. Today, it’s almost impossible to imagine that this adorable dog can do something like that.
But this is exactly the reason why they were perceived as a symbol of upper social status. Naturally, only nobility had a chance to obtain these. When you take a look at today’s prices, you will see that the price is not as high as it used to be, but it is certainly at a level that is not affordable to just any person out there. There are examples of Tibetan Mastiffs who were sold for millions. When we say that, we mean it literally.
5. Rottweiler

The final breed on this list of ours might surprise a lot of people. We are talking about Rottweilers. The reason why this might be surprising for many is that they are a common breed than any other we’ve enlisted here. It’s because that they have a lot of potential health issues. So, you will constantly need to pay doctors to provide them with the best possible care. We don’t believe that many people are aware of that.
They will be susceptible to any disease or condition dogs can get. The commonest one is the problem with joint and hip problems. It immediately leads to the insurance being much heftier than with any other breed. When it comes to their personality, you will see that they are loyal and loving. Without any doubt, they love children and you will not need to monitor them when they are playing with Rottweilers.

If you are about to enter the world of breeding dogs, you will see that this is not something you should treat lightly. The reason is quite simple. There are a lot of different factors you need to take into consideration. The costs are probably the most important ones. In this article of ours, you can find the most expensive dog breeds you will come across. We are sure you will find this insight useful.