A Handbook to Enhancing Your Brand’s Reputation Globally

Every business needs to brand itself whether it is a major international corporation or a new startup. A recognized brand increases global awareness. However, many companies don’t understand what the brand is and how it plays a role in the organization’s success.
The Definition of Branding

Branding is the company’s overall identity. This goes beyond the visual aspects of the company, such as its logo or products. The organization’s reputation also influences its brand.
However, the brand is much more than this. It is also the emotional connection a consumer has with the company’s products or services. This emotional connection is what leads a consumer to choose one product over another that is very similar.
To create this emotional connection, the company must speak directly to the consumer. Doing so can be difficult when the product is sold in multiple countries. The message must be translated in a way that the meaning is not lost. To ensure it is, the company needs a reliable translation service, such as ZAB Translation (zabtranslation.com). Why is the translation so important?
Increasing Brand Awareness

A company has many ways to get the product or service before the target audience. It may choose to use traditional advertising methods or turn to the internet to get the word out about its offerings.
Word-of-mouth advertising remains very effective today, as a person feels more confident trying a new product or service when they know someone who has used it with success. In addition, a company can increase brand awareness by enabling consumers to connect physically or digitally with these products and services.
Building a Brand

Building a brand involves more than coming up with a company name and a memorable logo. To establish the brand effectively, the company must know its target audience and what the members of this audience are looking for. It must determine the brand position, as this is what helps to distinguish the company from others in the market. This position lets the consumer know how the company can add value to their life.
The business name and logo help consumers identify the organization behind the products and services. The name and logo define the company, so the choice should not be made lightly. In addition, the business owner needs to share the story behind the brand, as consumers want to know who they are spending their money with. The days of the local five-and-dime are long gone, but the desire to know who the face behind the business is remains.
Once the brand has been established, it’s time to determine which message needs to be sent to the consumer. Many companies choose to create a slogan that can be used to define the organization and market it. This slogan should provide information about the business and its offerings. Incorporate the unique brand voice into this slogan to allow it to stand out.
After the brand has been built, it’s time to get the word out to consumers. Doing so locally isn’t a major challenge, as there are many ways to share this information with the target audience. However, when the brand wishes to go international, it must overcome many challenges. What are some things to consider when going global?
Transcreation Avoids Misunderstandings

One thing to consider when going global is how to translate information without losing the meaning. Transcreation involves the use of skilled professionals to translate marketing materials to the desired language without losing the original intent and feel. The phrasing or imagery may differ from the original materials when this process is used, but the original message is conveyed effectively.
This process is of great benefit when translating names and slogans. The name or slogan might mean something completely different in another language. Slogans are often difficult to translate, as they use a play on words or other language-specific features that won’t translate appropriately. The skilled translator can ensure problems don’t arise when sharing the brand’s message in other languages.
Localization Personalizes the Message
Effective marketing copy takes into consideration the habits, tastes, and lifestyle of members of the target audience. When translating marketing materials, the company must ensure the message does so. Using a global version of these materials can lead to neutral advertising that doesn’t produce the desired results. Although the content may appear to appeal to a broad audience, it could actually fail to resonate with anyone.
Localization of the language accounts for regional differences and colloquialisms while ensuring the message sounds as the company intended. Using a skilled translator allows the company to create materials that can be localized easily and cost-effectively.
Visualization Considerations

One thing a company might overlook when translating marketing materials is the visual aspect of these materials. Each translation could affect the layout and design of the printed materials, as some languages take up more space than English. When translating materials, the company must ensure the finished product provides the visual appeal needed to attract readers without sacrificing readability in the process.
Furthermore, the company must consider eliminating non-standard symbols and logos from marketing material layouts. They may have a completely different meaning in another language or they could not be familiar to the reader who doesn’t speak English as their first language. Consider using symbols approved by the International Organization for Standardization to avoid any confusion during translation.
These are only a few of many things a business must consider when working to expand its global reach. Working with a professional translator helps to reduce the risk of problems that could harm the business irreparably. One negative customer experience can have far-reaching consequences. In fact, it could negate the positive brand experiences of countless others.
Take care when increasing brand awareness internationally to avoid common pitfalls. Seek help from professionals, such as skilled translators, when doing so, and ensure all employees are on the same page when it comes to interactions with international customers. Doing so increases the odds of a successful brand expansion internationally, which is what the organization was striving for when it initiated the expansion.