7 Killer Tips on Writing an Amazing Scholarship or College Essay

Writing a college and university essay often seems to be a grueling task among learners. Whether the essay is for college, scholarship, or a contest, this task gives nightmares to many students.
While an essay is a descriptive academic paper, you can take several steps to split the task into manageable chunks. Most students do not have essay writing skills; accordingly, they look forward to availing the online essay writing services of Case 48 to get their paper written.
According to essay writing experts, there are seven crucial steps to writing an excellent essay.
1. Choose a topic

Your professor may have assigned a topic, or you may have a reign to write on the topic of your choice. If you have an already assigned topic, you need to think about the type of essay you want to craft.
Whether it is a compare and contrast essay or a general overview of the subject, you must narrow down your focus.
On the contrary, if your mentor did not assign a topic, you must make a little more effort. But this approach gives you the advantage of selecting a topic that is relevant to your interest. First, you should determine your purpose of writing. Does your professor want you to persuade or inform?
When you have determined the purpose of essay writing, the next step is to research your topic. Then you need to evaluate your options. If your primary purpose is to educate the readers, choose a topic that you have already studied in the class.
And if your goal is to persuade your readers, choose a topic that you are highly passionate about. No matter what the mission of your essay is, make sure that you have an interest in your topic.
2. Create an outline

To write a winning essay, you need to organize your ideas. By writing what is already in your mind on the paper, you can vividly see the linkages among your ideas.
This step provides a base for your essay. You can use an outline or a diagram to interlink your ideas.
However, if you want to draw a diagram, write your essay’s topic in the middle of your paper. Draw 4-6 lines branching out from this topic and write your ideas at the end of these lines. Draw more lines off these primary ideas to write supporting ideas and sentences.
If you want to prepare an outline, pen down your topic at the top of the page. From these, start listing down your main ideas.
3. Write a solid thesis statement

Now that you have chosen an exciting topic and listed your ideas in an appropriate place, it’s time to craft a powerful thesis statement. This thesis statement will convey your essay’s viewpoint to your readers.
To write a good thesis statement, you need to look at your diagram or outline and focus on the main ideas.
A thesis statement has two essential parts – the first part briefly states the topic, whereas the other highlights the essay’s points.
4. Write the body
This part of your essay demonstrates and argues your topic. The main ideas you wrote in the outline or diagram will become the separate sections of your essay.
Every paragraph will follow the same structure. Start by writing one of your primary ideas as an opening sentence. Then, write all the supporting ideas in sentence format.
5. Write an engaging introduction

After developing a top-quality thesis statement and the body of your paper, you have to write a compelling introduction. It must hook the readers and present the focus of your essay.
Start with an eye-catchy sentence. You can use a quote, shocking information, or statistics to start your introduction. Whatever your essay’s perspective is, make sure that it covers your thesis statement.
6. Write a convincing conclusion
The conclusion wraps your ideas while giving a final perspective of your paper. Usually, 4-6 sentences are enough to write a conclusion. Read your main points and focus on your thesis statement, to sum up your overall ideas.
7. Give it a finishing touch

Your essay has not finished yet. Before you think this is a completed task, you have to pay attention to some minor details.
Before editing your essay, you need to cool off. Take some rest and watch a movie for your entertainment. Then, come back to your essay to check your paragraphs’ order.
By taking time between writing and proofreading your paper, you are giving yourself some distance from your paper. This will help you to proofread and edit it with fresh eyes and catch all the mistakes quickly.
Do remember your first paragraph should convey the most vital point of your essay.
Make sure that your essay’s paragraphs make sense. Read the rubric of your essay, if applicable.
Review what you have written on the paper. Remove all the typos, spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and inappropriate structure. After proofreading your essay, your essay is ready to be submitted to your instructor.
These seven matchless tips will not only help you to craft a college admission essay or a scholarship essay, but they will improve your essay writing skills across the board. With these scholarly tips, you can write an outstanding research paper for your semester.
Like many other things, becoming an expert in essay writing takes time and a lot of practice. Though writing research papers is a great way to hone your writing skills, you can also improve your writing ability in daily life.
With hard work and practice, you can turn an ordinary essay into genuine artwork. A college admission committee may even approve it.