
Everything you need to know about Abu Simbel Temples

We all know about the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and there is no other country that has the most history, beautiful sights, and so many interesting things to see as Egypt. This place offers everything for anyone who is interested in learning more about the ancient world, sacred places, and interesting sights that have so many mysteries hidden in them. In this article, we are going to give you more information on some of the most popular things that you can see in Egypt – the Abu Simbel temples. Keep on reading if you want to learn everything you need to know about these places, starting from when they were built, why, and what they represent even now. No matter if you have already seen them, or if you plan a tour in Egypt, these are some of the things that you need to know to understand the beauty of these sacred places.

When were they discovered?


The first thing we are going to talk about is when this temple was discovered and who did that. You should know that these sacred places were not known to the world for a long time, and they were first discovered in the early 1800s and the top part of the Great Temple was found. Later on, the places were explored in depth by the famous Egyptologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni. He made a lot of valuable discoveries here, but there were still a lot of things that needed to be explored and learned.

After Belzoni, these sacred places were researched by the Swiss researcher and scientist Johann Ludwig Burckhardt who added to the discoveries of his predecessor. Since then, many people have inspected the Abu Simbel and it is said that even though we know a lot, there are always going to be things that stay mysterious and that we can inspect further.

They were officially opened for the public as tourist places at the end of the 19th century and ever since then, they became one of the most popular places that people from all over the world want to witness and see.

When were they constructed?

Now let’s talk about the construction period and when it happened. Egyptologists and scientists say that these sacred places were created more than three thousand years ago, and they were made when Ramesses II was ruling with the land. He was one of the most powerful rulers of ancient Egypt and the construction process is said to have begun in Aswan.

The way these temples were created was by cutting into solid rock and creating the design and the look that we can see today. The goal of these sacred places was to show off the victory of the ruler at the Kiddish battle in the late 1200s B.C.

The records have shown that the developing process took more than two decades, and the sacred places were finished in the mid-1200s B.C.

What do they consist of?


There are two main temples as a part of this sacred place, and the most famous one is the Grand Temple. This is definitely something that you have to see at least once in your life, and if you click here, you can see that there are tours that will help you understand more about the history of it, along with why it was built and why it is so important even today.

This temple is almost 100 feet high and about 115 feet long, and it features 4 seated colossi. They are located at the entrance of the sacred building and there you can see Ramses II sitting on his magnificent throne.

In the Grand Temple, you can also find a lot of scripts that are located on the walls, and here you can learn more about the personal life of the King, along with portrayals of the ancient gods, as well as scripts about Ramses II victories and ruling.

The second building was made for Queen Nefertari, and she was said to be the favorite wife of the King. Records say that he had at least eight wives and more than 200 children, but Nefertari was the one he held dearest to his heart. That’s why he ordered the Small Temple to be constructed so that it can represent his everlasting love for her.


You can see this sacred place about 500 feet from the Grand Temple, and once again, here you can see 4 seated colossi, and you can see two sculptures that are featuring the King, and two of them that are featuring the Queen.

When you walk inside the sacred place, you will be able to notice a lot of scripts and images that are displaying the King and the Queen together, as they are praying to the gods.

The sculptures that you can see in front of the main temple are more than 60 feet high, and the smaller ones are almost 40 feet high. So, when you stand in front of them, you will understand the power that Ramses II had, and how much effort was put into constructing them and making them stand tall and look beautiful even after thousands of years.

Who are they dedicated to?


Even though these sacred places were made to honor the lives of Ramses II and his beloved wife, they were still dedicated to something more than just their ruling.

As you already know, worshiping the gods was a huge part of ancient Egypt, so the King made these temples to thank the gods, and portray his level of worship. In both places, you can see a lot of designs and scripts dedicated to Amon, Ptah, and Harakhti amongst others.

They are a combination of power and worship, and they help us learn more about the life Egyptians had three thousand years ago, along with the things that happened during the King’s ruling.

No matter how many things you read about these places, and no matter how much information and knowledge you have, nothing will be as good as seeing them in person. Even if you are not that interested in ancient Egypt, once you stand before the temples and see how mesmerizing they look, you will want to find out more and explore the past connected to it. Make sure you give yourself enough time for exploration and know that most of the tours are about 8 hours long. Take your time, walk around the sacred places, and know that this is an experience that you will never forget.

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