Clever Tips for an Energy-Efficient Home

Conserving energy at home can not only help you save a lot of money, but can also increase your property value and help save the environment, too! There are many ways to reduce your power use, from simply adjusting your day-to-day behaviors like turning off the lights and unplugging appliances when not in use, to investing in energy-efficient appliances and household enhancements.
Here, we’ll show you a few clever ways to save on energy. By taking a small step towards having a more energy-conscious lifestyle, you can achieve all the great benefits of having an environment-friendly space.
Start with Simple Steps

Saving power can be as simple as turning off the lights when you do not need them. Start by observing which lights you use all the time versus the ones that do not necessarily need to be turned on. You may see little changes at first, but you will realize that it works in the long run.
Aside from turning off your lightbulbs, another common way of saving electricity is unplugging your appliances. Because even when they are switched off, appliances still consume energy. This standby power or more commonly known as phantom load causes your electric bill to go up. You can also install a power strip for a more convenient way of cutting off all electricity consumption instead of unplugging multiple gadgets and appliances.
You can also opt for smart power strips. This is a more convenient way to avoid getting problems with phantom loads. It is best to use when you want to turn off power consumption automatically or at a specific time. With this, power can be controlled remotely or when you’re away from the power strip.
Do It the Natural Way

Even in this digital age, we can still count on mother nature for some of the most practical things to do to conserve energy. First up is air-drying. Whether it’s for your laundered clothes, sheets or washed dishes, it’s best to rely on nature’s natural way of drying things instead of adding extra expenses to your utility bills.
Another thing you can do is to let the sunlight in! Having strategically placed windows and using natural light instead of bulbs can greatly decrease your electricity usage during daytime.
But when it comes to controlling the temperature inside your house, choosing the right window drapes, curtains and blinds is important. For example, single-glazed windows are extremely poor at insulating the home, but double-glazed windows can insulate both heat and noise. Take note of their practical functions because these little adjustments can surely make a big difference to your space. According to Drapery Manufacturing Inc you can even customize your own window coverings if you want to really have a stylish and creative look while also maintaining efficiency.
Out with the Old, In with the New

Appliances are one of the largest contributors to your electricity bills, taking up roughly 13% of your household’s total power consumption. So, if you’re considering replacing an old appliance with a more energy-efficient alternative, always make sure to buy one that has an Energy Star label.
The Energy Star label is a federal guarantee that will ensure the product you’re buying is truly power-saving, environmentally friendly and has quality performance and features. By switching to Energy Star devices, you can conserve more electricity and reduce your utility expenses, too.

Having a smaller space means you’ll get bigger energy savings! Although most homeowners may not be willing to trade their large homes for a smaller one, there are a lot of lessons to learn from tiny home living like being more energy-conscious, using water more efficiently and changing out old appliances for newer and more power-saving versions.
But then again, if you still have the chance to choose and build your own new space, it’s best to opt for a more practical home with a size that’s just enough to suit your lifestyle. And if you’re planning to build a large but innovative and energy-efficient household, remember that it will still need a lot more power to heat and cool instead of a typical house that’s half the size.
Prefabricated tiny houses and modular homes also require less energy for labor and construction. You can check out the to find the perfect dream house for you.
However, if you’re stuck with a large home and you can’t let it go, there are still some easy downsizing alternatives you can go for. For example, if you have unnecessary rooms that aren’t used every day, you can redesign those areas to be easily shut out so you won’t have to cool or heat unused spaces. Install a removable wall or divider that will help you save up on energy in the long run.
Another thing you can do is to give up a small portion of that big lawn and use it as a garden or a mini farm to grow produce on.
And lastly, for your new economical home, you can also try using the right colored bricks and roofing shingles. Check your roofing. Dark-colored roofing shingles attract more heat and can cause your utility bill to rise, especially during the summer. Try having metal or light-colored shingles instead so they won’t trap the heat. It’s also very similar to bricks – those with lighter colors make homes cooler during summer.
Go Green
Planting trees strategically is also a good thing. If you plant one on the west side of your home, it can shade and protect your house from sunlight and radiation, making your home cooler in summer. Trees could also be helpful during wintertime because by shedding leaves and letting the light pass through, they can naturally make your house warmer.
Go for Renewable Sources

Building an energy-efficient household can be good for the planet and for people like you who use them. And if you are planning to invest in a more earth-friendly and renewable power source, rest assured that there are a lot of long-term benefits for you to enjoy. You can pick from various electricity providers or companies with renewable power sources like solar or wind energy, although there may be only a few companies that provide this service and it may be a bit hard to find one that’s extremely near your area. Going for a renewable energy source instead of a traditional one can also be quite pricey at first, but you’ll end up saving a lot of cash eventually.
From choosing the right lighting and appliances to building homes with smarter designs, conserving power is important and beneficial for many reasons. So, which tips will you be trying out for yourself?