Benefits Of DIY Music Release Using Digital Distribution Services

Passionate musicians can sell their songs and earn a living. It is a full-time job but they are doing something they love. However, earning revenue by selling music is challenging but not impossible. In this digital era, music release and career without the support of a record label is possible. It is a thrilling feature for new and experienced musicians alike.
Just like any other online business, your do-it-yourself music release has its benefits and drawbacks.
Benefits of DIY album release through digital distribution service

Distribution is easily accessible
The Internet has transformed the landscape of the music sector. Musicians are finding new opportunities to sell their songs directly or indirectly to their fans. To sell songs directly they need UPC and IRSC codes but many digital distribution platforms offer this for free. Digital distribution services also help to distribute your album to every major store around the world like Amazon Music, iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, and many more.
When you want to sell your music on Amazon there is no need to spend on printing CDs. Just upload the music on MusicDigi. The digital distribution platform ensures that your songs are made available to Amazon fans as quickly as possible. They offer unlimited upload to the registered users. Your songs are not just submitted on Spotify, but to more than 150 stores of other streaming services too. You gain a wide exposure as well as 100% rights to your music.
People prefer streaming
Streaming services are the latest trend. Listening to physical records is a thing of the past. Today, millions of people use music streaming services because music is available anytime and anywhere. Besides, their disc space stays free. Listeners also gain access to unlimited listening options like genres, songs, instrumental, or podcasts. They even enjoy listening to the latest releases. Therefore you must look for reliable digital distribution services to get your songs on YouTube Music or Spotify.
You keep the rights
There is no need to feel concerned about legalities and confusing agreement terms forcing you to give up your music rights to some record label. DIY album release means you decide how and when to use the music as well as at what price to sell it. You can get your music on Spotify but will need to look for approved distribution services. Sign up with the distribution platform and create an account. Select the release type, upload the song and cover art.
You can even add music contributors and offer them recognition for their hard work because they also gain publicity or recognition when your music is streamed.
You gain good royalties
There are stories of how successful musicians are flat broke. It doesn’t mean they invested in huge assets but it is often because they are paid last from the record label. Every person involved in their career is given a commission but as you will DIY, you can enjoy nearly the whole royalty amount. When you put your music on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, or any other streaming daises the royalties from each platform differ.

For example, an average payout rate last year per stream on Spotify was $0.0032 and on Apple Music was $0.0056. You see the royalty rates of Spotify are lower in comparison because it has more users and wide reach. However, it is worth it because of exposure and profile building.
You can have full control
Every record label has limitations and boundaries predefined when they approve to work with artists. Major record labels are too demanding. Creative clashes with a label are unavoidable. When you go self-release the decision to promotion, the choice of streaming services, the tour itinerary, and everything associated with music release and marketing will be yours, so the issue about conflict is impossible.
For example, album art plays a crucial role in music promotion as well as distribution. The album art is a space that reveals your personality and is displayed when your track is added to the playlist. For example, if your song is streamed 1000 times on Spotify, the album art pops up that many times. Thus even online streaming will not damage the necessity of album art. It is your online brand and you can control every aspect of designing it as well as setting the price for which you want to sell the album.

No concerns about releasing costs
Many musicians partner with a record label because of the costs associated with their release. The digital platform has reduced the financial burden. For example, by using distribution services, musicians can distribute their songs to hundreds of popular music stores and streaming services.
By using distribution services, you can upload as many songs as you can and choose the stores and streaming services to get your music on. Besides, the promotion or marketing of your new album is done online at hardly any cost. Spread album release date on social channels, create a WordPress website [free] and collect emails that are helpful to stay connected with your fanbase. Nevertheless, you will need to spend some time committedly to your online promotion strategy to maximize your album sales.
Monitor release success

After you get your music on TikTok, it is essential to know its performance. The digital distribution services offer analytics and trend reports for every song released across different streaming services and stores. You are able to know where your fan base is and what the success rate of the album is. It helps to recognize the consumption trend and highlight opportunities. You can thus optimize your promotional strategy, set priorities, and enter new territories.
Choose a digital distributing platform cautiously
Major streaming services like Spotify and iTunes don’t deal with artists directly as they only work with aggregators and distributors. Therefore you need to sign with a digital distributing platform. You can upload the music, set a release date, configure the price, provide cover art and choose the stores you want your music released on.
While choosing considers monthly charges, profit percentage cut, major store selection, support level, and how you will be paid. Do your researches before you get locked with a distribution platform because changing services accompany complex issues?